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Help send 107.7 The Bronc to the IBS Conference and Media Awards in NYC on March 2!

Help send 107.7 The Bronc to the IBS Conference and Media Awards in NYC on March 2!

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Help send 107.7 The Bronc to the IBS Conference and Media Awards in NYC on March 2!

107.7 The Bronc and 107.7 The Bronc Retro have been nominated for 10 Intercollegiate Broadcasting Systems Awards, including Best Radio Station and Best Streaming/Online Radio Station.

The IBS Conference and Media Awards is quite literally the largest high school and collegiate broadcasting conference in the country and the most prestigious broadcasting awards in America. This year, WRRC-FM's students have been invited to hold three panel sessions to educate over 1,000 attendees about Branding Your College Radio Station, Producing A Daily Morning Show, and Giving Your College Radio Station A Social Media Presence.

At the end of this year's IBS conference is the IBS Media Awards ceremony. This year, The Bronc has been nominated for one station and seven individual student awards, while The Bronc Retro is up for one station and one individual award. Click here to view all of this year's student nominees.

If we are lucky, The Bronc is looking to bring home the IBS Media Award for Best Radio Station for the second consecutive year to Rider University, as well as its first-ever Best Streaming/Online Radio Station award and as many individual student awards we can carry, but we need your help to offset some of the costs for the trip.

The students of 107.7 The Bronc continue to produce an amazing on-air product that is consistently among the best in the country. Please help us raise the funding needed to send 107.7 The Bronc team to the Sheraton Times Square in Manhattan to present to over 1,000 high school and college students and be in the audience when the winners of the 2024 Intercollegiate Broadcasting Systems Media Awards are announced to the world!

Gifts will be used to...

...take General Manager John Mozes and the 107.7 The Bronc team to the 2024 IBS Conference and Media Awards.

We are bringing 30 students with us to New York City on March 2, and your support will help to cover registration, travel, and meals. Please consider supporting this experience for our students who have worked so hard to earn this nomination and to be consistently considered one of the Top Five College Radio Stations in the nation. We appreciate your support of this student engaged learning experience, as every single gift will bring us closer to our goal!

Any gifts received above and beyond the cost to travel to and attend the conference and award ceremony will be applied toward unforeseen travel incidentals and the purchase of new equipment.

A Personal Message from Nick Witkowski '25, Nominated for Two IBS Awards:

Being nominated for "Best Morning Show" and "Best Production Director" in the country is a huge honor. It really goes to show what hard work as a team and as an individual can really do. It also shows me how much I’ve improved as a student, and most importantly a host, production director, and leader. Being a part of a radio station like The Bronc has truly been a special and rewarding experience. Going to the IBS Awards is one of the biggest opportunities for a college student in this industry. And, being able to attend a prestigious conference and awards ceremony, such as the IBS, will help all our students learn valuable lessons from professionals in the industry, and as someone who is speaking at this year's conference, it is an incredible experience for student leaders like me to breakout, and into the broadcasting industry.

A Personal Message from Heather Batezel '24, Nominated for One IBS Award:

Returning to the IBS College Media Awards with my radio family at 107.7 The Bronc is an honor beyond words. I am deeply grateful for the endless opportunities and invaluable skills I've gained during my time at The Bronc. Joining this station as a sophomore, I had no idea the profound impact it would have on my journey, shaping not only my college experience but also molding me into the confident professional I am today. Being nominated for "Best Show Open" for my show, "Grow Up Blondie," is an affirmation of the dedication and passion I've poured into my work and the station as a whole. It's a recognition of the transformative power of college radio and the platform it provides for students like me to learn, grow, and express themselves creatively. My experience at 107.7 The Bronc has opened doors I never thought possible. From interning at Warner Music Group's Podcasting department, to speaking confidently on panels, I owe it all to the invaluable lessons and leadership experiences I've gained at The Bronc. It has truly been the highlight of my college career, propelling me to "grow up" into the confident, capable professional I am today.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!