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Men's Soccer

Men's Soccer

20 Supporters
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A Message from Head Coach Chad Duernberger

Rider Men's Soccer Alumni, Friends & Donors  - 

As I begin year two here at Rider, I want to share my sincere appreciation for you — our alumni, friends and donors of the program. Rider University and specifically Rider Men's Soccer is a special place & program because of your support. Your support helped us be crowned as 2023 MAAC Champions!

Our program's philosophy is built through Relationships, Controlling The Controllable, and having a "Win The Day" Mentality. We believe in having strong, family type relationships in our locker room as well as amongst those involved with our program. We focus on controlling what we can control in our core values and pursuing excellence through a relentless pursuit to be successful on and off the field (Win The Day). Our philosophy can be shown through our core values: Attitude, Work Ethic, Competition & Discipline. 

We attack everyday with a positive attitude while understanding we have talented players, but where we separate ourselves is through our talent having an unmatchable work ethic and a strong level of discipline to achieve success on the field. 

Our last core value to mention is Competition! We compete in everything we do. Everyday in training we get winners and we post the winning teams in the locker room to showcase those who had success on that particular day. This spills over into our players wanting to win in everything they do, not just on match days. This is where you can help! We want to compete to fundraise the most money out of any team on campus! We want to compete to be number one in everything we do which is where your support is needed.

I want to extend my thanks to those who have already donated to our program. Your donations impact everything in our program from our equipment, the way we travel, our team bonding events, pregame meals & locker room advancements just to name a few specific areas. Your generosity allows us to recruit and develop the best players from across the nation and internationally. From a sky view of the program, I have two main goals as the Head Coach: Create and provide an environment (1) Where the players build relationships that last a lifetime through the brotherhood in our program and (2) They become proud alumni of our great institution, Rider University. Through your contributions, you have a direct impact on the success of our team and my goals for the program. Thank you.

We have a lot of excitement in our program right now and your help is crucial to our success. Any donation - small or large - is appreciated as we continue to build our program by providing our players with the best Rider Men's Soccer experience possible.

Go Broncs!
Chad Duernberger

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!