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A Message from Head Coach Davon Ortega:

Greetings Rider Softball Alums!

Every year at this time I find myself saying the same thing – I can’t believe another softball season has already come and gone! Your 2024 RUSB squad did some tremendous things this year, including earning the highest MAAC Tournament seed (#3) since 2006 and the second highest in the program’s 27-year history in the league. We earned the second most wins in my seven-year tenure at Rider and the 2024 season was the sixth time in my seven years that we exceeded the expectation of the MAAC by finishing in third place when we were selected to finish seventh. Four of our players were selected to MAAC All-Conference teams (two on 2nd Team and two All-Rookie Team) and one of our sophomores was selected to the NFCA All-Northeast Region 2nd Team. We finished 1st in the MAAC in pitching staff ERA and 2nd in the MAAC in team batting average.

Perhaps overshadowed by our on-field accomplishments, is all of the work our team did in the classroom. We are proud to report our highest team GPA of a 3.60 for the 2023-2024 academic year! Thirteen players earned a 3.5 GPA or higher during the spring softball season. Needless to say – RUSB had a great year! The most amazing part of all of this is that we only lose two players to graduation and seven of our nine starters all return. The future of this program is very bright!

My staff and I are confident that we have officially turned the corner of making RUSB a consistent contender, not only in the MAAC, but nationally as well. But, as with every year, financial challenges continue to bestow themselves upon us. We’re in the final days of the Athletic Department’s Raise Your Game Challenge and we greatly need the help of our alumni. In order for us to maintain the highest level of training and competition, we’re asking for your support in the form of a donation. All funds go directly to the Softball booster account, which helps us with meals, travel, gear and equipment, new uniforms, and new technology. Each donation above $35 from our alums will count toward our goal of getting 15 alumni donations, which will earn us an extra $1,500 from the Athletics Department.

There are ONLY 2 days left to make your donation count toward the challenge – simply click the ‘MAKE A GIFT’ button and donate today!

Thank you to all who have already donated and as always, thank you all for your continued support of the Rider Softball program.

Coach Ortega

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!